Race Director: Bogdan Fink
Race office: Sabina Peterlin
UCI commisionaire: Luc Geysen
Medical care: Medicross, podjetje za zdravstvene storitve d.o.o.
Team Coordinator: Srečko Glivar
UCI commisionaire: Luc Geysen
Member of the Commissaires Panel: Nevenka Sreš
Member of the Commissaires Panel: Bruno Valčič
Finish judge: Eva Sluga
Timekeeper: Mojca Pungartnik
Motobike Commissaire Aleksander Gorkič
Motobike Commissaire: Mira Gašparič Petrovič
Broom Wagon: Boštjan Petek
Kolesarski klub Adria Mobil,
Zaloška cesta 20,
8000 Novo mesto
The first cycling race for the Adria Mobil Grand Prix was organized exactly a decade ago, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Adria brand. This year, Adria is celebrating its impressive 60th anniversary, and we are now approaching the tenth edition of the race, which over the years has become a true international event, attracting competitors from nearly all over the world to our region each year.
A few technical details about the race course: this year the race will be slightly shorter, with 176 cyclists from 26 countries competing on a challenging 168 km route. For the first time, we will also welcome competitors from the Philippines. This is undoubtedly proof that the race has established itself as a well-organized cycling event in the past years, both in terms of the program and organization, as well as safety, which is and must remain a top priority in every cycling event.
As in previous years, we will also organize a supporting program for young cyclists and our youngest riders at the Main Square in Novo mesto, with the aim of engaging them in as many cycling events as possible, keeping their enthusiasm for the sport alive, and motivating them to one day compete for medals as professionals.
As organizers of cycling races, we also see our mission in raising public awareness about the importance of green mobility, which is why we encourage all spectators coming to watch the race to arrive by bicycle and contribute to preserving a clean environment and minimizing our environmental footprint.
Gregor Adler
General manager of Adria Mobil
Foto: Barbara Reya
Although I took over the leadership of Adria Mobil only recently, I am aware that caravanning and cycling have been closely related for many years, as the bicycle is an indispensable element of lastmile mobility, and with technological development and the increasing number of electric bicycles, this symbiosis and connection are expanding even more. Cycling is probably also one of the most demanding sports, as it requires excellent physical and mental preparation of both the individual and the entire team, and on top of that the international competition of cycling teams is getting stronger every year. If we put the results achieved by the Adria Mobil Cycling Club alongside these facts, I can only conclude that it is an exceptional collective with great potential.
The cycling race for the Adria Mobil Grand Prix was organized for the first time in 2015, in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Adria brand. I am glad that during this period the race has grown into one of the Slovenian cycling spring classics, which offers Slovenian cycling talents the possibility of international comparison and is another in a series of sporting events that place the Adria brand as well as Slovenia on the international cycling scene.
I wish all cyclists as few falls as possible and that little bit of sport’s luck that is necessary for winning the race!
Marko Lekše
President of the Adria Mobil Cycling Club
V letu 2025 bomo desetič izvedli Veliko nagrado Adria Mobil, poimenovano po našem glavnem sponzorju. S ponosom jo organiziramo v kolesarskem klubu Adria Mobil. V desetih letih se je dodobra uveljavila kot mednarodna dirka UCI Europe Toura za kategorije moški Elite in Pod 23 let. Postala je pravi spomladanski uvod v kolesarsko sezono in privablja vsako leto večje število tekmovalcev in ponese ime našega glavnega sponzorja širom Evrope in tudi na druge kontinente. Letos je prijavljenih 30 ekip oziroma 176 tekmovalcev, kar je najvišje dovoljeno število po kriterijih UCI, tekmovalci prihajajo iz 26 držav in 5 kontinentov. Taka zasedba obeta, da bo 10. jubilejna izvedba dirke tekmovalno zanimiva in napeta do zadnjega kilometra. Člansko ekipo KK Adria Mobil smo letos pomladili in jo sestavili iz domačih tekmovalcev vzgojenimi v našem klubu. Stiskajmo pesti na dirki za naše tekmovalce v modro-rdečih dresih in upajmo na odmevne rezultate.
Vzgoja kolesarjev v kolesarski šoli Adria Mobil je eden od stebrov delovanja našega kluba, zato vsako leto organiziramo tekmovalni program za najmlajše. Z njim želimo navduševati za kolesarstvo najmlajše in promovirati zdrav način življenja. Na koncu otroške dirke, katere se bo udeležilo preko 100 tekmovalcev, so zmagovalci prav vsi.
Prireditve na tako visokem nivoju ne bi bilo brez naših sponzorjev katerim gre iskrena zahvala ob 10. jubilejni izvedbi dirke. Posebna zahvala gre tudi organizacijskemu odboru za profesionalno izvedbo dirke, slovenski policiji, ki skrbi za varnost dirke in vsem prostovoljcem, ki skrbijo za brezhibno izvedbo dirke do najmanjših detajlov. Organizacijo Velike nagrade Adria Mobil utemeljujemo na vrednotah, ki jih živimo v klubu, in to so timsko delo, strpnost, zdravje, zaupanje, pozitiven odnos do življenja, tekmovalnost, poštenost, ekološka osveščenost, predanost klubu. Vsem sponzorjem in partnerjem dirke iskrena zahvala za vso podporo, vaše sodelovanje nam omogoča, da se klub razvija v kakovostno športno organizacijo z visokimi profesionalnimi standardi.
Hvala za vaše srčno navijanje za vse tekmovalce na Veliki nagradi Adria Mobil in še posebej za tekmovalce našega kluba.
Bogdan Fink
Race Director
This year, Cycling Club Adria Mobil is organizing the tenth anniversary edition of the international cycling race Grand Prix Adria Mobil, classified as UCI 1.2. Riders from 26 different countries will compete in this year’s race. We hope that one of our club’s cyclists will take the victory, as this is one of the most important races in the opening part of the cycling season.
The racecourse will see some minor changes compared to last year, but these modifications are subtle. However, the traditional race start in front of the headquarters of the club’s general sponsor, Adria Mobil d.o.o., and the finish line at Novo Mesto’s
Glavni trg, remain unchanged.
As always, we cannot forget about our youngest and most enthusiastic cyclists. A significant part of our club’s activities is dedicated to them, which is why we will once again organize children’s races, as part of the event.
On this occasion, I would like to sincerely thank all our sponsors and partners, especially our main sponsor, Adria Mobil, for their long-standing support and trust in us.
Žak Eržen
Bahrain – Victorious
Yes, from the very start of the season, I was eagerly looking forward to this race because it’s my home race and holds a special place in my heart. It was truly incredible to ride on roads where I have trained practically my entire career, knowing every turn and every climb. This race is something special for me, as it gives me the opportunity to compete on the ground where I grew up, which gives me extra motivation. I don’t think I could have chosen a better race to win than this one.
1. | ERŽEN Žak | CTF Victorious | |
2. | MARECZKO Jakub | Team Corratec - Vini Fantini | |
3. | BUDA Simone | Solme - Olmo | |
4. | ŘÍMAN Jakub | Pierre Baguette Cycling | |
5. | BUDZIŃSKI Marcin | Mazowsze Serce Polski |
1. | FINKŠT Tilen | Adria Mobil | |
2. | FORTIN Filippo | Maloja Pushbikers | |
3. | COLNAGHI Luca | Green Project-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè | |
4. | POTOČKI Viktor | Viktor Ljubljana Gusto Santic | |
5. | BANASZEK Norbert | HRE Mazowsze Serce Polski |
1. | PATERSKI Maciej | Voster ATS Team | |
2. | DEBIASI Andrea | Cycling Team Friuli ASD | |
3. | VENCHIARUTTI Nicola | Work Service Vitalcare Vega | |
4. | POTOČKI Viktor | Ljubljana Gusto Santic | |
5. | MORO Riccardo | Parkpre Racing Team |
1. | VAN DEN BERG Marijn | Groupama - FDJ | |
2. | FIORELLI Filippo | Bardiani - CSF - Faizane | |
3. | TOUPALIK Adam | Elkov - Kasper | |
4. | PITHIE Laurence | Groupama - FDJ | |
5. | PER David | Adria Mobil |
1. | KUMP Marko | Adria Mobil | |
2. | SISR František | Elkov - Author | |
3. | AUER Daniel | Maloja Pushbikers | |
4. | PER David | Adria Mobil | |
5. | PRIMOŽIČ Jaka | KK Kranj |
1. | FORTIN FILIPPO | Team Felbermayr - Simplon Wels | |
2. | VENCHIARUTTI Nicola | Cycling Team Friuli | |
3. | POLNICKÝ Jirí | Elkov - Author Cycling Team | |
4. | TOTO Paolo | Sangemini - MG.Kvis | |
5. | LOGICA Enrico | Biesse Carrera Gavardo |
1. | PARRINELLO Antonino | GM Europa Ovini | |
2. | GAFFURINI Nicola | Sangemini - MG.Kvis | |
3. | BAZHKOU Stanislau | Minsk Cycling Club | |
4. | BONGIORNO Francesco Manuel | Sangemini - MG.Kvis | |
5. | PACCHIARDO Davide | GM Europa Ovini |
1. | FORTIN FILIPPO | GM Europa Ovini | |
2. | CECCHIN Alberto | Team Roth | |
3. | BANI Eugenio | Amore & Vita - Selle SMP | |
4. | PER David | Adria Mobil | |
5. | FANKHAUSER Clemens | Tirol cycling team |
1. | KUMP Marko | Adria Mobil | |
2. | FORTIN Filippo | GM Cycling Team | |
3. | GAVAZZI Mattia | Amore & Vita - Selle SMP | |
4. | TRATNIK Jan | Amplatz - BMC | |
5. | WEISS Martin | Tirol cycling team |
Diversity within short distances
Slovenia might be among smaller countries in the world, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in its diversity. In fact, this green country (over 60% is forested) is the only European country where the Alps, the Mediterranean, the Karst and the Pannonian Plain meet. This results in immense diversity within short distances, which come in handy, as it will take you only two hours to drive from the capital to the most remote corners of the country.
Here, you'll find a number of things to do, including active holidays and exploring nature, pampering at spa resorts, cultural spots and superb gastronomy and wines. What all these exciting experiences have in common is sustainability, which is reflected in care for the environment, tradition and taking care of the well-being of the locals and visitors alike.
Slovenia has a sporting heart
With its astonishing diversity of terrains, Slovenia represents a natural playground, which invites you to spend time outdoors; be it in the mountains, among the rolling hills, on the coastline and in the sea, in the green forests, by the rivers and lakes or even in the caves. Unique and unforgettable active adventures are guaranteed, no matter the season, which reflects also in the fact that Slovenia is home to many world-renowned athletes and a great host of major sporting events.