3rd edition of international track cycling races, UCI class 2
Kolesarski klub Adria Mobil,
Zaloška cesta 20,
8000 Novo mesto
tel.: +386 7 33 80 275
gsm: +386 41 622 329
e-mail: glivar@siol.net
Olimpijski center Novo mesto,
Zaloška cesta 20, 8000 Novo mesto
250 metrov dolga pokrita lesena proga
Race director:
Srečko Glivar, tel.: +386 41 622 329, e-mail: glivar@siol.net
President of the commissaries panel:
Peter Judež (SLO), peter.judez@kolesarski-sodniki.si, tel: +386 31 319 256
Track manager:
Sandi Papež (SLO), tel: +386 31 622 329
UCI C2 Categories:
Prijave bodo možne do zapolnitve kvot. Največje število kolesarjev na ekipo je 4. Kvalifikacijskih dirk ne bo.
Race office:
Olimpijski center Novo mesto,
Zaloška cesta 20, 8000 Novo mesto
Race numbers:
On 20. 12. 2024 from 13:30 to 14:30 in the race office for all categories
Technical meeting:
20. 12. 2024 at 15:00, Olimpijski center Novo mesto
Cloakrooms and showers::
Olimpijski center Novo mesto
Olimpijski center Novo mesto
Medical service:
The medical service will be present at all official events
Hospitals nearby:
Splošna bolnišnica Novo mesto, Šmihelska cesta 3, Novo mesto;
tel.: Tel.: +386 7 391 61 00 (5 km from Velodrome)
Participation conditions:
Valid license for 2024. The race is run under the valid rules of UCI regulations and this schedule. All participate on their own risk and the organizer can not be held responsible for any harm or damage caused to or by the riders. All races will be held according to UCI rules. Maximum number of riders is 24 per all disciplines, except Madison – 36 riders.
Special rules:
There is no limitation on rim height in all categories U17 and below man and woman (U13, U15, WU15, U17, WU17); everything except disc wheels is allowed.
Riders affected by recognized accident are entitled to 5 laps of neutralization. In the last kilometer of the race the neutralized rider may not return to the track.
Award ceremony:
According to the schedule - first 3 riders in each category. Absence from the ceremony will be sanctioned according to the UCI rules
The organizer cannot be held responsible for harm or damage caused to or by the riders. Riders participate on their own risk. Rules violations will be sanctioned according to the UCI scale of penalties. The organizer is granted the right to change the program in case of force majeure or low number of participants.
More detailed information available in PDF document:
Download PDF